- Life Jackets - 90% of all victimes who drown were not wearing a life jacket. Make sure all people on your boat are wearing a life jacket that is the correct size for them. Also, it never hurts to have one or two extra life jackets just in case something happens.
- No Alcohol - Historically, alcohol is involved in one-third of all recreational boating fatalities. Driving a boat while drinking is the same as driving a car, you can lost control quickly. If it is hot outside, consuming alcohol may also lead to dehydration. The best rule of thumb, do not take any alcohol onto your boat.
- Keep An Eye Out - You should constantly pay attention to all passengers on board your boat, especially chidren. It only takes one second for a child or passenger to fall out or get injured. Some passengers may get sea-sick on a boat, and the best way to tell is by watching them. If you feel that something is wrong with a passenger, it may be best to go back to shore for a while. Also, watching for other boaters, objects in the water, and your surroundings will help ensure everyone's safety.
- Vessel Safety Check - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's United States Coast Guard Auxiliary provides free Vessel Safety Checks to look at: life jackets, registration and numbering, navigation lights, ventilation, fire extinguishers, distress signals (flares, horns, etc.), and battery covers and connections. If your vessel passes, you will are awarded a VSC Decal that alerts law-enforcement agencies that your boat was found to be in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws. If your boat does not pass, no report is filed. Instead, you are given a written report to aid in corrected any discrepancies noted. To schedule a VSC in your area, visit Vessel Safety Check, enter your zip code, and search for your local USCG Auxillary Vessel Examiner.
And, one last thing, insurance. Most insurance policies require that your boat be listed separately and to have all equipment listed. If you have questions about insuring your boat, please contact your local Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho agent who can help you determine the right type of coverage necessary. Have a great SAFE Labor Day weekend!
* Photo Courtesy of The U.S. Coast Guard |
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